Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feature Presentation: Reptiles!

To celebrate the end of IOWA Testing last week, Reptile World visited our school.  The students saw lots of different reptiles from places all over the world.  Each pair of students researched one of the animals they saw last week and made a short video about the reptile.  We may have some future Oscar-winning producers in our midst!

The students used the website to create their short clips.  Please let our producers know what you liked or what you learned from their films!

Beaded Lizard by Bailey, Jordan, and Edris

Crocodiles by Kevin and Rahil

Anaconda by Mason and Phillip

Rock Python Branimir and Drew

Milksnake by Preston and Eden

Alligator snapping turtleby Brandon and Isabel

American Alligators by Sarah and Leila

Cobra By Ashton and Natalie


  1. Hi Preston and Eden! I like the presentation on Milksnake - the graphics and the music look good and sound great! Keep up the good work!

    Love Dad (Mr. Henry)

  2. Dear Third Graders,
    Everyone did a great job on their videos! I enjoyed watching them.


    Mara (Mason's Mom)

  3. Dear Baily and Jordan,
    I liked the details you added to it. Like the part about it malting its tail.
    Your friend,

  4. Dr. Marcee R. CohenApril 10, 2014 at 9:32 PM

    Dear Bailey, Jordan, and Edris,

    I liked your video presentation of the Beaded Lizard. I found it interesting that the beaded lizard is able to regrow its tail. The butterfly was really cool, it reminded me of the first butterfly I caught for Bailey, using only my hands.

    Thanks for the memories!!

    Dr. Cohen
    Bailey's Grandmother, PA

  5. Dr. Marcee R. CohenApril 10, 2014 at 9:49 PM

    Dear Third Graders,

    Each team of video producers did and excellent job. I watched and liked each one.
    I eagerly wait for your next blog. You are intelligent third graders. Stay that way.

    Thanks for enlightening me,
    Dr. Cohen
    Bailey's Grandmother, in PA

  6. Dear Brandon and Isabel,

    Thanks for sharing your video of the Alligator snapping turtle. That's the most unique turtle we have ever seen. A turtle, with a shell that resembles an alligator must confuse a lot of species in the water! Great job guys and keep up the good work!

    Mom and Dad (Brandon's Parents)

  7. Dear Brandon and Isabel,

    Thanks for sharing your video of the Alligator snapping turtle. That's the most unique turtle we have ever seen. A turtle, with a shell that resembles an alligator must confuse a lot of species in the water! Great job guys and keep up the good work!

    Mom and Dad (Brandon's Parents)

  8. Dear class,
    These are some really talented, engaging and informative reptile clips! I enjoyed the special effects so much that at times I felt I was flying :).
    That reminds me of when I was a student a long time ago. My first animated presentation, however must have not gone as well. I will share a 'gem' that my teacher told me when I first discovered PowerPoint many years ago and started playing with all the various animation effects. I believed that I was doing an extraordinary job adding all this animation to my slides, but I must have overdone it, to the point that it was more annoying than interesting to the people that saw it.
    My teacher pulled me to the side after my presentation and said: "Remember, that all the 'bells and whistles' are great, as long as you do not overdo them. That is, make sure you still present the information and carry your point across without having the audience stuck on the special effects." Thereafter, I tried to be more selective when adding animations and I think my presentations were more tasteful, if not as exciting as my first one.
    That being said, I think that your guys have done a wonderful job! While there was plenty of animation, I do not think that anyone's point got lost. In fact, I think the playful way in which each team presented the topic made it that much more intriguing.
    So what is the moral of this lengthy note? Just do not do what I did! Do not "WOW" your audience only to have them wonder at the end of the day : "What was she talking about?"
    Anyway, I am a very visual person and I love the colors, the sounds and the motion, so in my opinion you all did an excellent job! I agree with your teachers that we may have some future Oscar winning producers among the group!
    Ms. Marina (Branimir's mom)

  9. Dear Third Graders,

    You all are MOVIE PRODUCERS!! How awesome! Excellent team work! I enjoyed watching each reptile short movie presentation. I learned so much about the reptiles you selected to feature. You all should take your production to the Discovery Channel. Wouldn't that be a fabulous field trip?

    Dear Bailey, Jordan, and Edris,

    The Beaded Lizard is definitely an extremely interesting reptile. I was surprised to find out that they eat other lizards too. Finally, I also enjoyed the music that accompanied the presentation.

    Dear Bailey,

    Let's look for the Beaded Lizard when we travel to Mexico.

    Sincerely (and Love),
    Mommy (Mrs. Hudgens)

  10. Dear Preston & Eden,

    I think you both did a great job presenting the information about milksnakes in a very interesting way that grabs our attention. Although they're beautiful snakes, I'm glad they're in Mexico so I don't have to worry about crossing paths with them in the backyard. Keep up the good work.

    Mom (Preston's Mother)

  11. Dear Preston & Eden,

    I liked your video about the Milksnake. I never knew that the snake ate warm blooded prey. Also, I never knew that it lived in Mexico. Good thing my mom doesn't live in Mexico because she would faint if she saw one :)


  12. Dear Kevin & Rahil,
    I never knew that the crocodile lived in Africa. And I also never knew that it ate fish and mammals I am amazed by your video. I 'm glad that my mom doesn't live in Africa anymore because she wouldn't be so comfortable 😏

  13. Dear Ashton & Natalie,
    Awesome Producers!
    I enjoyed watching your video on Cobras. What a great job you did on the graphics and music. I love the bold colors in the video, very eye catching.
    Keep up the good work!
    I look forward to your next blog!

    Ayesha Hall
    (Ashton's mom)

  14. Dear Leila & Sarah
    Those alligator facts were awesome do you know any more facts?


  15. Dear Class,

    These are great. You are very talented producers. Look out they come :) Keep up the great work!

    Melva Brown
    (Jordan's Mom)

  16. Dear Jordan, Bailey & Edris,

    Great work on the Beaded Lizard. Very interesting fact that it can regrow its' tail. Also, I did not know that it ate lizards. Wow! Great work. The music was very good

    Melva Brown
    (Jordan's Mom)


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